17 research outputs found

    Gradient accelerated cosmology

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    Cosmology is currently sitting on a ticking time bomb that will result in an unprecedented explosion in the quantity and quality of data. In preparation, physicists are starting to incorporate into their theoretical predictions more of the physical, observational and instrumental effects which, until now, could be overlooked. In practice, this translates into a dramatic increase in the number of parameters that future analyses will have to consider. This combination of large data sets with complex models will (and in many cases already does) overwhelm the inference methods we currently use to constrain the values of these parameters. In this thesis, we propose two solutions to this problem. First, we show how gradient-based inference algorithms can dramatically speed up the numerical marginalisation of high dimensional parameter spaces. Second, we show how analytical marginalisation schemes, such as the Laplace ap- proximation, can achieve similar speed increases. Crucially, both these methods rely on having access to computationally affordable gradients of the cosmological models, stressing the importance of developing differen- tiable analyses pipelines for future cosmological surveys

    Mixed Variational Inequality Interval-valued Problem: Theorems of Existence of Solutions

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    In this article, our efforts focus on finding the conditions for the existence of solutions of Mixed Stampacchia Variational Inequality Interval-valued Problem on Hadamard manifolds with monotonicity assumption by using KKM mappings. Conditions that allow us to prove the existence of equilibrium points in a market of perfect competition. We will identify solutions of Stampacchia variational problem and optimization problem with the interval-valued convex objective function, improving on previous results in the literature. We will illustrate the main results obtained with some examples and numerical results

    Capse.jl: efficient and auto-differentiable CMB power spectra emulation

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    We present Capse.jl, a novel emulator that utilizes neural networks to predict Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature, polarization and lensing angular power spectra. The emulator computes predictions in just a few microseconds with emulation errors below 0.1 σ\sigma for all the scales relevant for the planned CMB-S4 survey. Capse.jl can also be trained in an hour's time on a CPU. As a test case, we use Capse.jl to analyze Planck 2018 data and ACT DR4 data. We obtain the same result as standard analysis methods with a computational efficiency 3 to 6 order of magnitude higher. We take advantage of the differentiability of our emulators to use gradients-based methods, such as Pathfinder and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), which speed up the convergence and increase sampling efficiency. Together, these features make Capse.jl a powerful tool for studying the CMB and its implications for cosmology. When using the fastest combination of our likelihoods, emulators, and analysis algorithm, we are able to perform a Planck TT + TE + EE analysis in less than a second. To ensure full reproducibility, we provide open access to the codes and data required to reproduce all the results of this work.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Necessary and Sufficient Optimality Conditions for Vector Equilibrium Problems on Hadamard Manifolds

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    The aim of this paper is to show the existence and attainability of Karush–Kuhn–Tucker optimality conditions for weakly efficient Pareto points for vector equilibrium problems with the addition of constraints in the novel context of Hadamard manifolds, as opposed to the classical examples of Banach, normed or Hausdorff spaces. More specifically, classical necessary and sufficient conditions for weakly efficient Pareto points to the constrained vector optimization problem are presented. The results described in this article generalize results obtained by Gong (2008) andWei and Gong (2010) and Feng and Qiu (2014) from Hausdorff topological vector spaces, real normed spaces, and real Banach spaces to Hadamard manifolds, respectively. This is done using a notion of Riemannian symmetric spaces of a noncompact type as special Hadarmard manifolds

    Necessary and Sufficient Second-Order Optimality Conditions on Hadamard Manifolds

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    This work is intended to lead a study of necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for scalar optimization problems on Hadamard manifolds. In the context of this geometry, we obtain and present new function types characterized by the property of having all their second-order stationary points be global minimums. In order to do so, we extend the concept convexity in Euclidean space to a more general notion of invexity on Hadamard manifolds. This is done employing notions of second-order directional derivatives, second-order pseudoinvexity functions, and the second-order Karush-Kuhn-Tucker-pseudoinvexity problem. Thus, we prove that every second-order stationary point is a global minimum if and only if the problem is either second-order pseudoinvex or second-order KKT-pseudoinvex depending on whether the problem regards unconstrained or constrained scalar optimization, respectively. This result has not been presented in the literature before. Finally, examples of these new characterizations are provided in the context of "Higgs Boson like" potentials, among others

    Analytical marginalisation over photometric redshift uncertainties in cosmic shear analyses

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    As the statistical power of imaging surveys grows, it is crucial to account for all systematic uncertainties. This is normally done by constructing a model of these uncertainties and then marginalizing over the additional model parameters. The resulting high dimensionality of the total parameter spaces makes inferring the cosmological parameters significantly more costly using traditional Monte-Carlo sampling methods. A particularly relevant example is the redshift distribution, p(z)p(z), of the source samples, which may require tens of parameters to describe fully. However, relatively tight priors can be usually placed on these parameters through calibration of the associated systematics. In this paper we show, quantitatively, that a linearisation of the theoretical prediction with respect to these calibratable systematic parameters allows us to analytically marginalise over these extra parameters, leading to a factor 30\sim30 reduction in the time needed for parameter inference, while accurately recovering the same posterior distributions for the cosmological parameters that would be obtained through a full numerical marginalisation over 160 p(z)p(z) parameters. We demonstrate that this is feasible not only with current data and current achievable calibration priors but also for future Stage-IV datasets.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, prepared for submission to MNRAS, comments welcom

    Analytical marginalization over photometric redshift uncertainties in cosmic shear analyses

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    As the statistical power of imaging surveys grows, it is crucial to account for all systematic uncertainties. This is normally done by constructing a model of these uncertainties and then marginalizing over the additional model parameters. The resulting high dimensionality of the total parameter spaces makes inferring the cosmological parameters significantly more costly using traditional Monte Carlo sampling methods. A particularly relevant example is the redshift distribution, p(⁠z ), of the source samples, which may require tens of parameters to describe fully. However, relatively tight priors can be usually placed on these parameters through calibration of the associated systematics. In this paper, we show, quantitatively, that a linearization of the theoretical prediction with respect to these calibrated systematic parameters allows us to analytically marginalize over these extra parameters, leading to a factor of ∼30 reduction in the time needed for parameter inference, while accurately recovering the same posterior distributions for the cosmological parameters that would be obtained through a full numerical marginalization over 160 p(⁠z ) parameters. We demonstrate that this is feasible not only with current data and current achievable calibration priors but also for future Stage-IV data sets

    Cosmology with 6 parameters in the Stage-IV era: efficient marginalisation over nuisance parameters

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    The analysis of photometric large-scale structure data is often complicated by the need to account for many observational and astrophysical systematics. The elaborate models needed to describe them often introduce many ``nuisance parameters'', which can be a major inhibitor of an efficient parameter inference. In this paper we introduce an approximate method to analytically marginalise over a large number of nuisance parameters based on the Laplace approximation. We discuss the mathematics of the method, its relation to concepts such as volume effects and profile likelihood, and show that it can be further simplified for calibratable systematics by linearising the dependence of the theory on the associated parameters. We quantify the accuracy of this approach by comparing it with traditional sampling methods in the context of existing data from the Dark Energy Survey, as well as futuristic Stage-IV photometric data. The linearised version of the method is able to obtain parameter constraints that are virtually equivalent to those found by exploring the full parameter space for a large number of calibratable nuisance parameters, while reducing the computation time by a factor 3-10. Furthermore, the non-linearised approach is able to analytically marginalise over a large number of parameters, returning constraints that are virtually indistinguishable from the brute-force method in most cases, accurately reproducing both the marginalised uncertainty on cosmological parameters, and the impact of volume effects associated with this marginalisation. We provide simple recipes to diagnose when the approximations made by the method fail and one should thus resort to traditional methods. The gains in sampling efficiency associated with this method enable the joint analysis of multiple surveys, typically hindered by the large number of nuisance parameters needed to describe them.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, 3 table

    LimberJack.jl: auto-differentiable methods for angular power spectra analyses

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    We present LimberJack.jl, a fully auto-differentiable code for cosmological analyses of 2 point auto- and cross-correlation measurements from galaxy clustering, CMB lensing and weak lensing data written in Julia. Using Julia’s auto-differentiation ecosystem, LimberJack.jl can obtain gradients for its outputs an order of magnitude faster than traditional finite difference methods. This makes LimberJack.jl greatly synergistic with gradient-based sampling methods, such as Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, capable of efficiently exploring parameter spaces with hundreds of dimensions. We first prove LimberJack.jl’s reliability by reanalysing the DES Y1 3×2-point data. We then showcase its capabilities by using a O(100) parameters Gaussian Process to reconstruct the cosmic growth from a combination of DES Y1 galaxy clustering and weak lensing data, eBOSS QSO’s, CMB lensing and redshift-space distortions. Our Gaussian process reconstruction of the growth factor is statistically consistent with the ΛCDM Planck 2018 prediction at all redshifts. Moreover, we show that the addition of RSD data is extremely beneficial to this type of analysis, reducing the uncertainty in the reconstructed growth factor by 20% on average across redshift. LimberJack.jl is a fully open-source project available on Julia’s general repository of packages and GitHub